Archive for November, 2012

November 21, 2012

Lampshade Love

The other day I had an urge to learn how to make lampshades, it was a ping of inspiration from nowhere that made so much sense that I have no idea why I havent done it sooner! And I knew just who to call…

I met Ruth McAllister of Quincy Lampshades last year at the Lionheart Magazine Launch, her lampshades are bold, beautiful and modern and her successful business is an inspiration, she also teaches lampshade making in Bristol and Bath. I took along my Mairin Flora fabric and in three hours I had a gorgeous drum lampshade, Ruth is a wonderful teacher; generous and passionate about sharing the lampshade love. I enjoyed every minute and keep looking over at my finished beauty and smiling!

November 17, 2012

Christmas Steps Artisan Market

Saturday 1st December 11-4

As Petals Fall will be on the steps again this year, so come and say Hello!

I Love the Christmas Steps Artisan Market in Bristol, the beautiful cascading steps full of local handmade crafts, twinkling lights, mulled cider and jolly music . it’s the perfect place to pick up some unique Christmas gifts, soak up the festive cheer and you can also feel all warm inside in the knowledge that you have helped to support local independent businesses and crafts people. I always try to get my gifts this way as well as giving homemade offerings, the frantic high street is often quite stressful and I’m sometimes left with a feeling that the big business of Christmas is a greedy overfed monster. In fact this year my family are only giving gifts that have been homemade, so I best get busy!


November 12, 2012

Leatherwork in the woods

This Saturday I went over to Cherry Wood to do another leatherwork course with Rob Exton,
cocooned in an autumn haven of orange yellow leaves, woodsmoke and low sun we were happy badgers with cold noses, working on various projects with Rob’s expert guidance. This time I decided on a red leather notebook case. I love carrying a notebook with me and jotting down lists and thoughts so having a handmade one will be all the more enjoyable!

If you fancy learning the skills you need to make beautiful functional leather goods then I highly reccomend Rob’s courses, he is a wonderful teacher AND you get to frolick in the woods! The next course is in May.

November 9, 2012

Friday Trio:


Karen Barbe pot holders

Little Birdy up cycled vintage porcelein

Robert Fresson + Found print  Limited edition only available from Found

November 6, 2012

An Autumn blanket:

I mean it when I say Autumn is my favourite, I’m at home in Autumn, I feel renewed by the dramatic sense of change . A few weeks ago I went to the Isle of Skye and it was magnificent, I think Scotland was made for Autumn, rusty mountains and floating mists etc. While there I picked up a cosy tartan blanket in preparation for the impending hibernation, which has started early this year due to a remote location and a freak snowfall on Sunday. I love blankets. I also recently acquired a massive crochet one from family that covers our three seater sofa and gives our new home the touch that only a colourful granny square blanket can, I don’t think I can ever have too many, and when they reach the bottom of the cycle the Russian Princess (aka cat) we live with inherits them.

I now have my eyes on these beauts from Fine Little Day:


November 2, 2012

A little adventure story:

Hello again petals,

I’m back in four stone walls now with electricity and hot water which is most luxurious! It also means I can dust off the sewing machine and get back to creating APF products after 6 months of being a ferral woodland dweller.

Living in a forest was truly the best thing I have ever done and has given me so much, most of all a deeper respect for nature and the joy of simple living.

I shared some words about this time with a Lion I know who loves to hear stories:

And so we whooshed down our rabbit hole, me Mr and our cat, into a springtime wonderland of fluorescent green beech leaves, floors of wild garlic and bluebells and the jungle like sound of birds and insects ringing in our ears. Nature gently blew life back into my grey skin and I remembered, I was home again. My eyes ate up all the tiny details and beautiful ever changing scenes; the darting silhouettes of dancing leaves in the wind, the bright bright orange of lychen on a tree, the flash of otherworldly blue from a swooping kingfisher, the fluorescent green lightbulb of a glow worm at dusk and the million greys of a heron perched on a fallen tree in a looming storm. These little pieces of everyday magic are what I love most about the countryside, and forests in particular are especially magic – anyone who has spent enough time in one will know they have a great tangible power, to heal, protect and provide, everywhere was forest once and they hold the comfort of an ancient wisdom…

The whole story can be found within the beautiful pages of  Lionheart magazine #3  – The Adventure issue!  Available to order now and in shops on Monday.

Lots of love x